"My eyes have seen the salvation you are preparing for the peoples : the light that is revealed to the nations and gives glory to your people Israel. (Lk 2:30-32)


Dear African Consecrated Brothers and Sisters

On the occasion of the 27th day of Consecrated Life, I would like, in the name of the Confederation of Conferences of Major Superiors of Africa and Madagascar (COSMAM/COMSAM), founded on May 8, 2005, under the impulse of our Bishops of SECAM and the encouragement of various major superiors UISG and USG-Rome, and in my personal name, to share with each of the African Religious men and women or in mission in Africa, this joy of the Consecration to the Lord on this day and the Light that this Consecration brings to our peoples of Africa.

This day coincides not only with the will of the Church to live synodality in these days (2021-2024), but also and above all with the presence in our midst of Pope Francis, who has come in person to bring the Light to the Democratic Republic of Congo and to South Sudan, and thus to all of Africa. Synodality and communion are therefore the strong words to celebrate this day.

As in the case of old Simeon, the African continent can and will appreciate the Light of Christ that reveals itself to all nations that welcome it. We know very well that our different nations and cultures have welcomed and still welcome this Light.

We, the African Consecrated Persons or those in mission in Africa, with the help of the charisms and spiritualities of our Religious Families, therefore participate strongly in this manifestation of the Light in a continent often engulfed in the darkness of poverty, disease, exploitation, underdevelopment, wars, genocides, natural disasters, illiteracy, etc. This participation in the manifestation of the divine light in Africa is therefore synodal, that is, involving the participation of all the baptized - clerics, consecrated persons and laity - in the life of the Church, not only in Africa, but also universally. Synodality also means communion. Communion between consecrated persons and those to whom the Light is presented, communion between consecrated persons, communion with the local and universal Church. It is this communion that we are celebrating today by seeing thousands of consecrated persons celebrating their Yes together; it is this communion that the Congolese and South Sudanese and therefore African Church is celebrating with the Holy Father at this moment; it is this communion that we want to celebrate permanently in Africa through the Cosmam which should unite us all.

Speaking therefore of the communion and synodality of consecrated life in Africa, Comsam, after a mandate that has experienced difficulties because of the Covid 19 pandemic and other difficulties related to structural changes in the Church, wanted, through the General Assembly that was celebrated in June 2022 in Senegal, to revive this African communion. Thanks to the theme "Consecrated life in Africa at the service of fraternity and our common home", we have taken together resolutions which are for us recommendations and orientations for this mandate :

- All the regional and national conferences make their members aware of the reality and importance of COMSAM for the vitality of consecrated life in Africa and Madagascar ;

- The effective visibility of COMSAM, in particular by putting together the means for the construction of its headquarters and the setting up of its stable structures of functioning;

- The urgency and importance of financial contributions from all members of COMSAM for the vitality of consecrated life in Africa and for the respect of this life in the Church and in the world;

- The encouragement of frequent and regular connection and communication within COMSAM (regions and conferences) especially with regard to the initial and ongoing formation of consecrated persons;

- The creation of sub-regions for a better organisation of conferences,

- The facilitation of language learning (English, French, Portuguese, Spanish) in houses of formation for a better common future on the continent.

- The reactivation of the functioning of the Central and East African regions.

Seven months after this Assembly, the first fruits of this newfound communion are visible. We welcome the newfound communion in Southern Africa through the constitution of the regional conference; we welcome the contacts established with ACWECA (Association of Consecrated Women of East and Central Africa) while waiting for the constitution of the region; We welcome the communion in West Africa where French and English are no longer an obstacle to communion between religious from English-speaking countries and those from French-speaking countries; we welcome the communion between the consecrated women of the Maghreb countries who, in spite of particularly difficult situations, manage to meet each other; we welcome the first signs of communion between the Conferences of Madagascar and the Islands. On the other hand, we also welcome the visible communion in dialogue and sharing in the different communication platforms.

Brothers and Sisters, this journey of synodality and communion is still long and implies the participation of all through fraternal openness and active participation in the projects of Comsam. I therefore encourage us all to give the best of ourselves to live communion in Africa and thus manifest the Light that comes to us from Christ and the Light that is Christ, knowing that, as consecrated persons, we are only bearers of Light.

May the Virgin Mary, who knew how to present this Light to the world, obtain for us, through her intercession, to be faithful bearers of Light, in our Conferences, in our local Churches, in our communities, in our apostolates and in our families.

Happy feast day to all and may the Lord, Light of the World and Salvation of Peoples, bless us.



Sr Marie Diouf, fscm

President of Cosmam/Comsam